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What is ransomware? Everything you need to know

David Trossell is featured in IT Pro Portal‘s guide to ransomware.

What is ransomware?

Everything you need to know
April 16, 2018

What is ransomware? Everything you need to know Bridgeworks

Current Statistics

– Almost half (49 per cent) of UK businesses would pay ransom following a ransomware attack (Malwarebytes)

– Ransomware victims have paid more than $25 million in the past two years to get their data back (Google)

– The number of ransomware attacks increased by 752 per cent in 2016 (Trend Micro)


Ransomware: What’s new

10/04 – NEWSRansomware most popular form of malwareMalware is still too easy to build, easy to deploy, and easy to monetise…

09/04 – NEWSCryptomining looks to topple ransomware as top threat to businessesCriminals expand their repertoire as businesses come under more threats than ever…

04/04 – NEWSFewer records breached as cybercriminals focus on ransomware and destructive attacksIBM’s X-Force Threat Intelligence Index details the spread of ransomware in 2017…

29/03 – FEATURE – David Trossell/BridgeworksCyber-Security: How hospitals can prevent ransomwareHospitals are vulnerable to the same cyber threats as businesses and must take action to protect themselves…

28/03 – NEWSRansomware costing UK companies £346mBusinesses have realised that ransom demands are just part of the cost of falling victim to an attack…

23/03 – NEWSCryptojacking takes over from ransomware as cybercriminal’s choiceSymantec report finds cryptocurrency-related hacks gaining popularity at the expense of ransomware…

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