David Trossell, CEO and CTO of Bridgeworks, explores with Government Technology why smart cities require WAN data acceleration and how it can prevent smart cities from becoming dumb cities by being held back by latency. October 12, 2018 Building smart cities involves...
Andrew Martin, Technology Director of Data Protection and Life Cycle Management company, SymStor shares his insights about Bridgeworks WAN technologies disrupting markets. October 4, 2018 What’s wrong with Data Domain replication? Give me a break, I’ve...
Per-Ola Mard, Managing Director of Data Resilience AB, shares his industry insight about the future of WAN data acceleration. Moving large volumes of data consisting of rich multimedia and perhaps encrypted data is a challenge in itself even if it is just between two...
David Trossell, CEO and CTO of Bridgeworks, discusses the changing attitude of the banking industry to technologies in Information Age. Banks traditionally like to keep their IT in their vault, and so they have often been wary of using the public and hybrid clouds....
Our CEO speaks to Data Centre News about the pros and cons of hyperconverged infrastructure and cloud computing. March 20, 2018 Hyperconverged infrastructure vs cloud computing With the performance improvements over the past few years with Intel x86...
We speak to Data Centre News about our top tips to address cloud bandwidth limitations. October 27, 2018 Cloud bandwidth stretched? It’s time to hyperconverge. Cloud: Not for everyone Let’s face it, the cloud isn’t for everyone, but nevertheless it has...
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